To the untrained eye, green tree pythons and emerald tree boas may look exactly alike.
There are subtle differences however, that become easy to spot when you know what to look for.
Beyond appearances, there are other disparities between the two which we will also discuss.
Here are several differences between green tree pythons and emerald tree boas.
- As pets, emerald tree boas and green tree pythons have different needs
- Green tree pythons and emerald tree boas are from different places in the world
- The snout of the emerald tree boa and green tree python are shaped differently
- They each have different sized scales on their face and snout
- On average, the emerald tree boa is larger than the green tree python
- The coloration of baby emerald tree boas is different than baby green tree pythons
- Green tree pythons have one row of heat pits running beneath their mouth while emerald tree boas have a row above and below their mouth.
- Emerald tree boas have live young while green tree pythons lay eggs
- And of course the obvious fact that one is a python while the other is a boa
There are many similarities between the two snakes, but there are also many differences. Emerald tree boas and green tree pythons are not related. They are two entirely different species of snakes as you will see throughout this article.
The Difference Between Emerald Tree Boas And Green Tree Pythons As Pets
Although it is not substantiated scientifically, many keepers of these two snakes say that green tree pythons are easier to keep as pets than emerald tree boas.
It’s not that their husbandry needs are substantially different though. Emerald tree boas tend to be more fragile, and less forgiving to variations in a captive environment.
Emerald tree boas are also considered to be more defensive, and the bite is typically more painful due to larger fangs and teeth.
You will often hear arguments from both sides, so I will leave that for you to decide. Here’s our care guide for green tree pythons to give you an idea.
Green Tree Pythons And Emerald Tree Boas Come From Different Places
You’ll never confuse an emerald tree boa for a green tree python if you see them in their natural habitat.
They’re from completely different parts of the world!
Emerald tree boas can be found in the rainforests of South America. More specifically, they live in Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela and surrounding areas.
Green tree pythons on the other hand, come from New Guinea, Cape York Peninsula in Australia and Indonesia. They live in rainforests just like their counterpart, just thousands of miles away.
Green Tree Pythons And Emerald Tree Boas Have Snouts That Are Shaped Differently
There are physical differences between the emerald tree boa and the green tree python, with the shape of the snout being one of the most recognizable.
As you’ll see in the images below, the emerald tree boa has a more “squarish” shape to the snout compared to the green tree python.
The bridge of the nose all the way to the tip of the snout is wider on the boa than on the python.
Even the nostrils of the two snakes is slightly different. The emerald tree boa has nostrils that face slightly forward and to the outside, while the green tree python has nostrils that are facing slightly upward.
The shape of their snout may seem like a minor difference between the two snakes, but now that you know it, you might never look at them the same again. You’ll always notice that shape.

The Scales Of The Emerald Tree Boa And Green Tree Python Are Different
Looking at the pictures above, you might also notice some differences in the size and shape of the scales on each snake. This is most noticeable on the scales covering their faces.
The emerald tree boa has broad scales, that appear to be more like plates covering their face rather than snake scales.
On the flip side is the green tree python. These are definitely snake-like scales. They are small and petite in the facial area, and overlap as you would expect scales to do.
Even the scales on their bodies are slightly different. The scales of the green tree python are slightly narrower, especially at the base of the scale. This gives the green tree python the appearance of a sleeker snake.
Differences In Body Size
In captivity, the average emerald tree boa grows to around six feet in length. The average green tree python tends to be closer to five feet long.
Emerald tree boas are also stockier and more heavy bodied than their python counterpart, which tend to be more slender.
Of course each snake is unique. Factors such as diet, husbandry, feeding frequency and the overall health of the snake play a major role in the overall size of the animal. This is why you need to look at more than just the size of the snake in order to accurately tell the difference.
Color Differences Between The Emerald Tree Boa And Green Tree Python
The biggest differences in color between these two snakes is when they are young.
Green tree pythons are typically yellow, red, or dark brown as juveniles. Their color changes to bright green as adults, though some may retain their bright yellow juvenile colors while others change to blue.
Emerald tree boas juveniles are usually light orange to dark red, but never yellow. They also change to their green color at around a year old.
Adult green tree pythons tend to be a bit brighter on average than emerald tree boas. This is not always the case however.
Green Tree Pythons And Emerald Tree Boas Have Different Heat Pits
If you look closely at the picture below, you’ll see the differences in the heat pits between the two species.
Green tree pythons have one row of pits running underneath the jaw line.
Meanwhile, the emerald tree boa sports two rows of pits. One row runs under the jaw line, while the other runs above it.
This is perhaps the most distinguishing difference in their physical appearance.

Difference In How They Give Birth
This really comes down to the fact that one is a python and the other is a boa.
Some snakes give birth to live young, some lay eggs. There are even snakes who have eggs, but the eggs hatch inside of the mother who then gives birth to live young!
Here’s how these birth methods are classified.
- Ovioparous – These are the egg laying animals. This would include reptiles like corn snakes and leopard geckos, but also other animals such as birds.
- Viviparous – These are animals that develop babies internally, providing nutrients through the placenta and yolk sack. Mammals, including humans, belong in this group. There are also some reptiles such as boas.
- Ovoviviparous – Most “live-bearing” snakes fall into this category. The embryos develop inside of an egg which grows and is incubated inside of the mothers body. When the egg hatches, the mother gives birth to live young.
Emerald tree boas are ovoviviparous. They appear to give birth to live young, but they were actually eggs that hatched internally.
Green tree pythons are oviparous. They lay a clutch of eggs.
The Biggest Difference Between Green Tree Pythons And Emerald Tree Boas
As the names suggest. One snake is a python, while the other is a boa.
While boas can be found nearly worldwide, pythons are not native to the Americas.
There are physical differences between boas and pythons.
- Pythons have postfrontal bones, boas do not.
- Pythons have premaxillary teeth while boas do not.
- Boas give birth to live young, while pythons lay eggs.
Additionally, emerald tree boas are what is known as “new world” snakes. They are a subfamily of boas known as Boinae, and are only found in the Americas.
Differences Between Green Tree Pythons And Emerald Tree Boas Summary
Now you will no longer be confused as to which snake is which when you see a green tree python or emerald tree boa in a zoo, or in the pet trade.
While there are certainly some similarities between the two, there are many many differences between green tree pythons and emerald tree boas.
If you enjoy learning about snakes such as pythons and boas, visit a zoo! One of our favorites is the St Louis Zoo where they have an amazing reptile house!